Saturday, 21 June 2014

Our Creation, Existance & Destruction in 55 Minutes @ Fringe 2014.

Hands Down presents 'Our Creation, Existance & Destruction in 55 Minutes' @ Fringe Venue # 9 M.A.I. BlogCast 6min.

Les Cherries te font de l'oeil @ Fringe 2014.

Les Cherries reviennent au Fringe c'est année avec 'Les Cherries te font de l'oeil' à la Fringe Salle #3 Espace Berri 4001. 514-849-3378 Duré BlogCast 11:30min.

4.48 PSYCHOSE @ Fringe Montréal.

Perrinegrinations Productions présente 4.48 Psychose de Sarah Kane avec mise en sc;ne de France Fortin et performance de Perrine Gruson Fringe Salle #9 M.A.I. Billetterie: 514-849-FEST Duré BlogCast +12min.

VENTE MER @ FRINGE Montréal 2014.

Ventre Mer de Choréographe Julie Barrette-Laperrière Fringe Salle #12 Studio Jean Valcourt. Danse 30min. Billetterie: 514-849-FEST Duré BlogCast 8:30min.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

LE 2ième SEX au Fringe de Montréal 2014.

Les Jambes Urbain présente Le 2ième Sex de choréographes et menteuses en scène : Arianne La Salle et Audrey Gaussiran Salle #1 Mission Santa Cruz, 60 Rachel O. Danse de 30min. Billetterie: 514-849-3378. Duré de BlogCast 8:30min.
OCEAN OPERA @ Montreal Fringe 2014.

Two lovers catch the attention of the moon and the ocean and must navigate through the storm in the Ah! La La Productions premier of Ocean Opera by Alex Gelfand presented at Théâtre La Chapelle, Fringe Venue #10. Box office: 514-849-3378 MMA chats with production representative Fran Alexander. BlogCast duration 11:00min.

THE DYSMORPHIA DIET @ Montreal Fringe 2014.

When a young person finds their body under attack they fight back in The Dysmorphia Diet written & performed by Clay Nikiforukat Fringe venue #4 Scène-Mini, 4247 St-Dominique. Box office: 514-849-FEST
BlogCast duration: 7:45min.

Monday, 16 June 2014

TALKING COCK @ Montreal Fringe.

MMA serves up some hot chat stew with a stand-up-guy, Jason Yearow, cast member in Brave New Comedy's Montreal Fringe production 'Talking Cock' man's answer to The Vigina Monologues play at 21:00 nightly at Fringe off-Venue W = The Wiggle Room. 514-849-FEST. Interview duration: 12min.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

COMIDA CORRIDA de Théâtre Quetzal au Fringe 2014.

Dans une monde ou tout est accessible, tout devient banal. COMIDA CORRIDA de Théâtre Quetzal au Fringe de Montréal Salle #12 Jean Valcourt. Catherine Picard et Émilie Ramsay et Maritza Grégoire.
Billeterie: 514-849-FEST. Duré de BlogCast 9:30min.

HOUSEBUM A Superhero on Trial 
@ 2014 Montreal Fringe Venue #7.

Housebum : A Superhero on Trial presented by Mask vs Title at the Fringe venue #7 Montreal Improve, 3697 St-Laurent. Playwights Jean-François Michaud & François Morin chat about how a local superhero called Housebum gets sued for damages by a group of super villains. Box office: 514-849-FEST. BlogCast duration 15min.

Jesse Stong's play Sense Gentle asks the question "Will they ever kiss?" presented by Real Eyes Theatre at the Mission Santa Cruz, 60 Rachel W. Featuring: Gavin Crawford & Kyle Travis Young. 514-849-FEST Blogcast duration, 10:30min.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

DANGER UNIT @ Fringe 2014 Off-Venue TSC.

Jeff Gandell returns to the Montreal Fringe following his 2013 hit 'The Balding' with the comedy Danger Unit. If it's anything remotely close to his last play, then it's going to be a not to be missed production this June at the Théâtre Ste-Catherine. 
For more information and box-office 514-849-3378 Interview duration 12min.