Saturday, 30 May 2015


SHY SHY in SPACE @ Fringe #25 Venue #2 Petit Campus. 

Playwright & Director Patrick Charron along with Shy Shy Schulie Productions presents the first women to sing in space with Shy Shy in Space. Presented at Fringe Venue #2; Ages 18+. Shy Shy chats about her voyage and out of this world concert. BlogCast duration 9min.

@ Fringe #25 Venue #11.

Playwright & Performer Elena Belyea chats about her latest creation 'Miss Katelyn's Grade Threes Prepare for the Inevitable' directed by Jon Lachlan Stewart. Presented by Company of Mutts at Fringe Venue #11, Studio Multimedia du Conservatoire. BlogCast duration 12:30min.

Myth Mirrors Punk

Myth Mirrors Punk @ Fringe #25 Off-Venue #G Café Tuyo 370 Marie-Anne E

Playwright and storyteller Magali Desjardins Potvin chats about Carole TenBrink and her own mash-up of fact versus fiction original tales inspired by real life and fantasy creations delivered in spoken word. BlogCast duration 9:45min.

Where Were You When I Was Coming

Where Were You When I Was Coming @ Fringe #25 Venue # 3 Espace 4001.

Ira Sokolova chats about her reincarnation of Gleams Theatre 10th anniversary production "Where Were You When I was Coming" written by C.S. Hanson. BlogCast duration: 11:45min

Everything Is Normal


Vance Gillis chats about "Everything Is Normal" a funny warm-hearted autobiographical show about the strange ways we cope with success, disappointment and becoming an adult. Directed by Joe Conto, presented at Fringe Off-Venue #A Théâtre Ste-Catherine. BlogCast duration : 9:15min.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

David Pryde's Tête Offensive

David Pryde's Tête Offensive @ Fringe off-venue #A

Playwright and actor David Pryde, well known for his stand-up comedy, chats about his off-beat take on topics otherwise taboo to a WMASP: religion, sexuality, and race that might sting his audiences. 50min. ages 18+ Theatre Ste-Catherine. BlogCast duration 9min.

Boy Meets Girl: A Young Love Story

Boy Meets Girl: A Young Love Story @ Fringe Venue #9.

Alyson Leah chats about her Five Foot Two Production of Sam Wolfson's Boy Meets Girl: A Young Love Story, directed by Sarit Klein. Presented at the M.A.I. venue #9 this tale of Katie (Alyson Leah) and Sam (Sean Colby) is a comedy for all ages. 45min. BlogCast duration: 9min. 

Tuesday Seeds of War: Draft 1: The Hunt

Tuesday Seeds of War @ Fringe #25 Venue #3.

Playwright & Performer Leah Vineberg chats about her latest creation, in development, Tuesday Seeds of War: Draft 1: The Hunt, presented at Fringe Venue #3 Espace 4001 Berri. 60min 18+BlogCast duration 12:30min.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Bangers & Mash

Bangers & Mash @ Fringe #25 venue #4 Studio CirQus, 4247 St-Dominique.

Caterina Incisa, playwright, director and performer, chats about this sketch comedy mash up of Canadian and British humor from Moose to Mr. Bean. BlogCast duration 12min. 

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The No Bull$#!% History of Canada

The No Bull$#!% History of Canada @ Fringe #25 Venue # 8 The Black Theatre Workshop Studio.

Playwright & Performer Kyle Allatt chats about returning to the Montreal Fringe with 'His Story' ...let's make fun of Canadian HisTory... power point seminar. Directed by Tim Ekerett. Presented at the B.T.W. Studio in the M.A.I. BlogCast duration 12min.

7 The Root of Self

7 The Root of Self @ Fringe Venue #12 Studio Jean- Valcourt du Conservatoire.

Choreographer Melanie Sirois chats about her latest dance interpretive creation, with text by Chris Masson, "7 Root of Self" not a mathematical equation but an exploration of 7 life-shaping moments through movement and text. Presented at Fringe Venue #12. BlogCast duration 9:15min.


STROKE @ Fringe #25 Off-Venue B FreesStandingRoom

Playwright & Director Marie Barlizio chats about her return to the performing arts following a four year hiatus, her lastest creation Stroke and the impetus behind the scenes from germinal concept to the page to the stage. Presented at the Free Standing Room Fringe off-venue #D. BlogCast duration 14min.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

In Search of Mrs Pirandello

In Search of Mrs Pirandello @ Fringe #25 Off-venue D.

Michaela DiCesare chats about her lastest incarnation and her motivation in the search for Mrs Pirandello. In Search of Mrs. Pirandello is presented at the Fringe Off-venue #D, Rialto Studio 5723 Parc Av. (S.E. Bernard). 60min. Age +12. BlogCast duration 9:30.

Allie Weigh's Inn

Allie Weigh's Inn @ Fringe #25 off-venue # G.

Allie Weigh's in on her production of one women's journey through four decades of life set to live music and storytelling. Presented June 2 to 20 at the Café Tuyo, 370 Marie-Anne E. (St-Denis). 55min. Multidisipineary. Ages +16. BlogCast duration 12:30

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Analysis of Failure

ANALYSIS of FAILURE @ Montreal Fringe #25 & The special FRINGE PREVIEW-SHOW @ Montreal Improv.

Listen in on MMA's 1st interview of the silver anniversary of the Montreal FRINGE June 1-21, 2015. Mark Jumper (in character) chats about the causes and effects of failure in Analysis of Failure presented at Fringe venue #12, June 13-21. 50min. Ages 12+. $8/$6. BlogCast duration 12:30.

He also plugs the upcoming special Fringe Pre-View Show, May 29th 10pm @ Montreal Improv, Espace A3697 St-Laurent. $6. at the door.